Saturday, February 25, 2012

February 25, 2012

Bob McDonnell. Governor of Virginia. Generally conservative. Coward.

In the state of Virginia, two pieces of legislation have made news recently. I have addressed the "personhood" bill, but today's punt-worthy action comes from the other bill - a bill that mandates an ultrasound for any woman who desires an abortion. As soon as news of the bill hit the media, the public outcry went from loud to ludicrous in 3.7 seconds. Media personalities began to refer to transvaginal ultrasound procedures (the bill only mandates an ultrasound, meaning that a highly non-invasive abdominal ultrasound would also be acceptable under the new law) as "state-mandated rape," and liberals everywhere ate it up. Unfortunately, so did Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell - he is now demanding that the bill be resubmitted with an amendment to clarify that the mandate doesn't require the transvaginal procedure that it didn't require in the first place.

As for those who were screaming about any mandated ultrasound, let me make something clear: in most states Planned Parenthood requires an ultrasound prior to all abortions anyway. But rather than using that ultrasound to help women make more informed choices, Planned Parenthood uses their required ultrasound to determine the size and age of the baby so that they can determine the best way to kill it. Babies over a certain gestational age and size, for example, cannot be safely killed with chemicals. Likewise, babies under a certain size and age do not require surgical intervention.

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