Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20, 2012

Score one (or probably a few) for the mainstream media.

After repeatedly slamming the George W. Bush administration for its role in jacking up gas prices in the United States, they have remained (predictably) silent in the face of similar infractions when perpetrated by the Obama administration.

So let's take a look at the numbers, shall we? Taking only the state of California as an example, we learn the following: during the Bush administration, gas was over $3 per gallon for 96 weeks (out of 416), or 23% of the Bush Presidency. Gas prices were over $4 per gallon for 12 weeks, or 2.9% of the Presidency.Overall, gas prices increased 7% over the course of the eight years he held the office.
In contrast, Obama has been in office for 163 weeks. in that time, gas prices have been over $3 per gallon for 114 of those weeks, which amounts to 70% of the Presidency. Prices have been over $4 for 10 weeks, or 6.1% of the Presidency. Overall prices have increased 67% in just over three years.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for the media to deny that President Obama's policies - both domestic and international - are contributing to a much more drastic and permanent increase in the cost of fuel. Why, then, after throwing unfounded accusations at George W. Bush over ties to "Big Oil" and all the problems that caused, would they remain silent in the face of far more egregious offenses being at the very least facilitated by the Obama administration today?

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